- 测量细菌的亮度给测定污染等级提供了一种简单的方式。
- Measuring the brightness of the bacteria thus provides a simple way to determine pollution levels .
- 天文学家知道每种类型的ia超新星的爆炸亮度相差无几。
- Astronomers know that each type ia explosion has about the same brightness .
- 如果月亮有大气,那就可能会检测到亮度的细微差别。
- If the moon had an atmosphere , a slight difference in brightness could be detected .
- 在本研究中,我们提出了使用低阶特徵的视觉注意系统,这些特徵包括亮度、颜色、范围资讯。
- In this study , a visual attention system using low-level features including luminance , color , region information is proposed .
- 具有发光率高,显色指数高,节能等优良性能。
- Possessing high luminance , high color index and energy-saving property .
- 敏锐观察者赖以能够分辨不同光度的效应或感觉。
- The effect or sensation by means of which an observer is able to distinguish differences in luminance .
- 具体来说,光度与半径的平方呈正比。
- Specifically , luminosity is proportional to radius squared .
- 具体来说,恒星的光度与温度的四次方呈正比。
- Specifically , the luminosity of a star is proportional to temperature to the fourth power .
- 原理上,我们可以通过观测所谓的标准烛光(一种天体,它的绝对光度是相同的)来追溯宇宙内的历史。
- In principle , one can trace that history back in cosmic time by observing a so-called standard candle , a class of astronomical object whose intrinsic luminosity is uniform .
- 具体来说,光度与半径的平方呈正比。
- Specifically , luminosity is proportional to radius squared .
- 具体来说,恒星的光度与温度的四次方呈正比。
- Specifically , the luminosity of a star is proportional to temperature to the fourth power .
- 原理上,我们可以通过观测所谓的标准烛光(一种天体,它的绝对光度是相同的)来追溯宇宙内的历史。
- In principle , one can trace that history back in cosmic time by observing a so-called standard candle , a class of astronomical object whose intrinsic luminosity is uniform .
- 他流浪、写作的一生唤起了欧洲基本的统一,文化与语言的交融,重重共有的历史,而所有这一切都以轻松、有感染力的欢愉之笔完成,并激发了许多人踏上同样的道路。
- His wandering , writing life evoked the essential unity of europe , the cultural and linguistic intertwinings and layer upon layer of shared history ; and all with a lightness , and an infectious joy , that inspired many others to set out in the same way .
- 轻快感是关键,但是厚底系带靴则把现实感带入服装中。
- Lightness was key , but lace-up boots on thick platforms grounded the clothes in reality .
- 字母的轻或重能影响文档的可读性。
- The lightness or boldness of the letters can affect the legibility of your document .