

brightness 变化形式
易混淆的单词: Brightness

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- Measuring the brightness of the bacteria thus provides a simple way to determine pollution levels .
- 测量细菌的亮度给测定污染等级提供了一种简单的方式。
- Astronomers know that each type ia explosion has about the same brightness .
- 天文学家知道每种类型的ia超新星的爆炸亮度相差无几。
- If the moon had an atmosphere , a slight difference in brightness could be detected .
- 如果月亮有大气,那就可能会检测到亮度的细微差别。
- Computer models characterized them with unusually cool temperatures , low brightness and atypical color .
- 在计算机模型中,它们具有极低温低亮度和反常的颜色。
- The object 's apparent brightness yields the distance ; its redshift yields the velocity .
- 这些天体的视亮度可以得到距离,它们的红移可以得出速度。
- When one is firing , its brightness can exceed a thousand normal galaxies .
- 当一个类星体爆发时,它的亮度可以超越一千个常规的星系。
- Kepler works by monitoring the thousands of stars in its field of view for tiny changes in brightness .
- 开普勒望远镜的工作原理是监测其视野内成千上万个恒星的亮度的微小变化。
- Brightness is determined by how much light a fabric reflects and a machine could measure this objectively .
- 亮度是由布料反射光的多少决定的,可以用机器进行客观衡量。
- Wikipedia has a similar list as well , with approximately 100 stars organized by brightness .
- 维基百科也有一个类似的名单,名单上有大约一百颗按亮度排列的恒星。
- Edge-lit displays have problems with uniformity of brightness as well as a limited viewing angle .
- 侧光式显示和亮度均匀性以及限制观看视角都存在着问题。