- 消音器曾经一度在五金商店里销售。
- They were once sold in hardware stores .
- 微软正在定义硬件的规格。
- Microsoft is defining hardware specs .
- 它通常在五金商店和唐人街可以买到。
- It 's usually available in hardware stores and chinatown .
- 日本已开始储备稀有金属。
- Japan is already stockpiling obscure metals .
- 其他贵金属也出现了上涨。
- Other precious metals also gained .
- 五种金属的价格实际上都出现了下跌。
- Prices of all five metals fell in real terms .
- 大多数骗局都是使用镀金钨钢,这种相对便宜的黄金合金很容易就能识别出来。
- Most scams involve gold-plated tungsten or a cheap gold alloy which can be easily detected .
- 齐柏林硬式飞艇机身由轻型铝合金附在框架上,表面再加一层织物构成。
- Zeppelin airframes were made of a lightweight alloy with a fabric skin stretched over the framework .
- 什邡官员最终同意取消原计划投资16.4亿美元的钼铜合金项目。
- Local leaders eventually agreed to cancel the planned $ 1.64 billion molybdenum-copper alloy plant .