- 萨玛利亚五经使用非常不同的编号系统。
- Sampent the samaritan pentateuch used a quite different numbering system .
- 梅瑟五书与若苏厄书之批判研究。
- The pentateuch and book of joshua critically examined .
- 摩西五经的应许:我已经赐给你了。
- The promise of the pentateuch : I have already given you .
- 我不会去做那些圣经禁止的事情。
- I don 't do things that the torah bans .
- 即便我们能从学习经典获得智慧。
- So even if all of us were wise and versed in torah .
- 将犹太律法一代一代传下去是我们的光荣。
- It 's an honor to pass the torah from generation to generation to generation .