- 与白人中产阶级一样,这些被称为“黑钻”的中产阶级倾向于居住在有保安看守的社区,供小孩上私立学校,缴纳私人医疗保险,在空调房内工作,在高级餐厅用餐,购买豪华轿车。
- Like their white counterparts , these so-called " black diamonds " tend to live in secure gated communities , send their children to private schools , take out private health insurance , work out in air-conditioned gyms , dine in fancy restaurants and buy expensive cars .
- 中产阶级白人家庭的青少年辍学率较低,但生活在贫困社区的黑人和拉美裔青少年辍学率非常高。
- Dropout rates are not high for middle-class white children , but they are very high for black and hispanic children living in poor neighborhoods .
- 研究还表明,纽约的黑人及拉丁美洲人当中,就读于特许公立学校的学生的阅读和数学课程成绩要比就读于一般学校更高。
- The results also show that black and latino children in new york charters do significantly better in reading and maths than in regular schools .