- 从认知语言学的原理,如隐喻、转喻、格式塔、事件认知模型理论等方面探讨认知语言学与语言全息理论之间的映照关系。
- Cognitive linguistics maintains to probe into the rule of language from the perspective of the mutual interaction between human and the objective world , while linguistic holography emphasizes the holographic relationship between the cosmos , people , and language .
- 英语不仅仅在几个显而易见的国家内是第一语言,它现在也是世界上所有其它地方的第二语言:一位在瑞典的日本游客或是一位驾驶飞机在西班牙降落的土耳其人几乎逢人就讲英语。
- English is not only the first language of the obvious countries , it is now the rest of the world 's second language : a japanese tourist in sweden or a turk landing a plane in spain will almost always speak english .
- 我把自己漫游外语天地所获得的心得体会总结为十条,供那些真心实意而不是装模作样想掌握外语的人参考。
- I 'd like to conclude my learning attainments from foreign language world into ten points for those who really want to master the language rather than those who just pretend to learn it .