- 一位猎狗般的记者或许可能出发寻找到一条绝妙的新闻报道,相同的是也不会妨碍他最终成为一个有良心的人。
- A newshound may start out just to get a good story , but it is not impossible , all the same , for him to end as a man .
- 好看的女人;好看的男人;比她姐姐好看;非常可爱但并不格外的貌美撒克里;我们南方女人都很貌美莉莲海尔曼。
- A fine-looking woman ; a good-looking man ; better-looking than her sister ; very pretty but not so extraordinarily handsome - thackeray ; our southern women are well-favored - lillian hellman .
- 强暴人诱惑邻舍,领他走不善之道。
- A violent man entices his neighbor and leads him down a path that is not good .