Everything about the journey points to an older age to a time when sunset over this particular corner of empire meant a whisky stengah on the veranda and mandatory dressing for dinner .
The house with the lamps on the windowsill is where he spends his long , quiet afternoons , preferably lingering with friends and passers-by on the veranda and waiting for the light to fade .
A couple of days later I slept on the veranda outside a restaurant in a town too small to feature on my map . I didn 't catch its name . The name of the restaurant 's owner I 'm not sharing .
Below the veranda some youths had been playing noisily on the harbour wall , but now they all dived into the turquoise sea and set off on the long swim to the rocky island in the bay .
They sat on the mansion 's veranda , could listen to the lions in the bronx zoo .
As night falls and the hills looms in the darkness , they sit on plastic chairs on the veranda , sipping coffee and smoking .
From the veranda of his farmhouse on the outskirts of this isolated riverside settlement , gilvan onofre can hear the helicopters coming , their rotors slicing through the humid amazon air .
My husband and I first visited galle over christmas in 2000 , and my memories are of decrepit houses , impromptu cricket games and gin-and-tonics on the new oriental hotel 's sagging veranda .