- 在去年的决赛中被奥巴马击败之后(多亏德米特里梅德韦杰夫在最后一分钟介入),普京今年骑着装饰豪华的三轮车又加入了比赛,准备复仇。
- After last year 's crushing defeat by obama ( thanks only to a last-minute intervention by dmitry medvedev ) , putin rode his tricked-out trike into this year 's competition looking for revenge .
- 同时,拜占庭的皇帝赫拉克略已经成功地在小亚细亚翼侧包围波斯军队,把他们挤进美索不达米亚北部,并且打败他们。
- Meanwhile , the byzantine emperor heraclius had successfully outflanked the persian armies in asia minor and handed them a crushing defeat in northern mesopotamia .
- 瑞典一支球队在惨败之后,自觉无颜见江东父老,主动给球迷返还了门票和旅途费用。
- A swedish soccer team apologized to their fans after their crushing defeat , by refunding their fans tickets and travel expenses .