- 然而就算是新上台的阿拉伯政府将来可能正如他们过去一样通过煽动“反以色列”的情绪以获得合法性,美国支持犹太国家必然导致反美在中东地区情绪高涨的论调将不复存在。
- Although emerging arab governments might in the future -- as in the past -- seek to gain legitimacy by harnessing anti-israeli sentiment , the claim that american support for the jewish state axiomatically translates into anti-americanism in the middle east is no longer sustainable .
- 尽管如此,这位拥有600家连锁店的“美鞋王”并没有坐进豪华舒适的办公室里,而是一如既往地当一名“蹲着的擦鞋匠”。
- Nevertheless , the chain has 600 beautiful " shoe king " did not sit in the luxurious office , but as in the past as a " squat bootblack " .
- 求耶和华在迦密山的树林中,用你的杖牧放你独居的民,就是你产业的羊群。求你容他们在巴珊和基列得食物,像古时一样。
- Keep your people safe with your rod , the flock of your heritage , living by themselves in the woods in the middle of carmel : let them get their food in bashan and gilead as in the past .