
winters 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Local winters are very severe .
- 当地冬天冷的要死。
- Winters are cold and dry here .
- 我这里的冬天是寒冷干燥的。
- The long winters have torn holes the size of sinks into the asphalt .
- 漫长的冬季已经让迸裂的水池槽涂上了沥青。
- At one time , the hunt provided needed food and furs for harsh winters .
- 曾经,狩猎为恶劣的冬季提供了需要的食物和皮毛。
- Places which used to be abundant in snowfall have frequently experienced snowfree winters .
- 曾经是丰富的降雪量的地方则经常遇到不下雪的冬天。
- America 's first settlers were not so well-equipped to deal with the new world 's snowy winters .
- 美国的第一批定居者对于新的世界里下雪的冬天没有很好的铲雪工具。
- But natural climate variability means there are plenty of local or temporary events such as cold winters that appear to contradict the warming trend .
- 但是气候的自然易变性意味着有很多和变暖趋势相悖的地区性或暂时性事件,如冷冬。
- While warmer winters will benefit farmers by lengthening the growing season , it will also help insects and spreading diseases .
- 虽然暖冬有助于为农民延长生长季节,但它同样也有助于昆虫的生长和疾病的传播。
- Across the soccer field from us was none other than the prep squad commanders : stacia winters and her never-ending posse .
- 我们对面的足球场不是别人,正是队长的准备其他:斯西亚winters和她永无休止的波塞。
- After test which winters , spring recovering , summer growth , only then has the fall the harvest .
- 经过冬的考验,春的复苏,夏的成长,才有秋的收获。