iPod 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- That would be similar to what apple did with music and the ipod .
- 这听起来与苹果处理音乐和iPod的做法如出一辙。
- Ipod touch more than 1 / 2 of sales
- 其中iPodtouch占销量的1/2强
- Now manages a large in-house team of former ipod and ios developers .
- 去年三月加入苹果,目前管理一支由前iPod和iOS开发者组成的内部团队。
- Like the ipod , it is controlled through a simple dial .
- 和iPod类似,这款新玩意也是通过简单的拨号盘控制。
- • Ipod : 9.02 million units , down 17 % .
- •iPod销量:902万台,下降17%。
- That 's why the ipod really matters .
- 这就是iPod依然重要的原因。
- It did seem like just a big ipod touch .
- 它仅仅看起来像一台大号的ipodtouch。
- Suppose we want to buy an ipod from amazon .
- 假设我们要在亚马逊上买一个ipod。
- Full ipod integration will arrive in summer .
- 配备ipod功能的新车将于今年夏季推出。
- Maybe you can get your insurance company to pay for a new ipod .
- 也许下次你应该让你的保险公司付钱买一个ipod。