

v.编,织,织成( weave的第三人称单数 );编排;杜撰;(把…)编成

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In all great endeavors , the obama administration weaves together both of these tendencies .
He weaves their lives and writings into a compelling story of dilemmas , courage , dignity and defiance .
He can make you understand how nuclear fission occurs or how an atomic bomb differs from the hydrogen " super , " and along the way he expertly weaves social and cultural commentary into his narrative .
Inspired by leonardo da vinci and the book of revelation , dreamthinkspeak 's large-scale promenade production at somerset house weaves through underground passages , using film , installation , live performance and mechanical engineering .
From the captivating opening sequence that introduces the paris train station , to an intense chase scene that weaves the camera through crowds of people and the engineering components of the station 's clocks , the film comes to the screen as a visual masterpiece , marking the future of 3d .
Even if the treasury ducks and weaves to avoid a default , cancelling whatever payments it can , the uncertainty over exactly which of its securities could be trusted as collateral could easily prompt a lehman-style freezing of global money markets .
Ms peacock also weaves herself into the pages , periodically stepping away from delany to describe her own alcoholic father , a late , happy marriage , her terror that her husband 's cancer will recur .
5 / 15 Babar , algeria : a woman weaves carpet at her house
Mr snyder 's book weaves the stories together , explaining how the horrors interacted and reinforced each other .
Mr aldrich skilfully weaves together the personal , political , military and technological dimensions of electronic espionage .