
weavers 变化形式
易混淆的单词: Weavers
weavers 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- You know how in lesotho they have those very fine weavers .
- 你知道在莱索托他们有那些非常出色的织工。
- I wonder how the weavers are getting along with my cloth .
- 我想晓得织工把我的布织的怎样了.
- A hundred tailors , a hundred millers , and a hundred weavers are three hundred thieves .
- 一百个缝衣匠,一百个磨坊主,一百个织布工,合为三百个贼。
- The two weavers were cheats out and out .
- 那两个织工是彻头彻尾的骗子。
- Italy developed a large domestic silk industry after 2000 skilled weavers came from constantinople .
- 在君士坦丁堡的两千名熟练织布工到了意大利之后,意大利发展了一个巨大的国内丝绸行业。
- Soon afterwards the emperor sent another honest courtier to the weavers to see how they were getting on , and if the cloth was nearly finished .
- 此后不久,皇帝又派了另外一个忠实的朝臣到织布工那里去看看他们工作进展得怎样了,奇妙的布是否快完工了。
- A recent exhibition of open source embroidery cited the jacquard loom as an example of how weavers and embroiderers share common principles with programmers .
- 最近展出的“开放原刺绣”引用雅卡尔织布机作为例子,展示了织布工、刺绣工用程序员所用的原理进行织造。
- In the forgetfulness , you are pulled into the delusion of the weavers of dreams of possessions .
- 由于这种遗忘,你们就被拉到『财产的梦想编织者』的错觉当中。
- The weavers of fate will tell father soon enough .
- 命运的组织者们很快就会告诉父亲的。
- The weavers produce rugs of astonishing intricacy .
- 纺织者能织出令人惊叹的复杂精细的地毯。