
webcasts 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- When microsoft develops a new product , part of its life cycle is beta testing in the community , possibly technology adoption program ( tap ) , rapid deployment program ( rdp ) , events , tech-ed sessions , webcasts and lots of articles .
- 当微软开发了一个新的产品时,在网上进行半成品测试是其生命周期的一部分,或许是通过技术采纳计划(tap)、快速部署计划(rdp)、events、tech-edsessions、webcasts以及大量的文章。
- He and oprah are doing free 90 minute talks about his book a new earth right now . Check out the book and those webcasts .
- 现在他正在与奥普拉在做一个免费的长达90分钟的关于他新书《新世界》的谈话节目。
- Sas ( no. 2 ) has used technology to maintain employee ties ; its internal social platform the hub " connects employees through a social networking function , blogs from leaders and gives the ability to ask questions or leave comments during webcasts and town halls , " says gorman .
- SAS(排名第二位)利用科技来维系员工之间的关系;格曼说,SAS的内部社交平台Hub“通过一个社交功能和高管博客来与员工交流,而员工也可以藉此在网络直播和员工集会期间提问或发表评论。”
- They are being forced to use video conferencing and webcasts .
- 他们不得不使用视频会议和网络播放。
- So you save these webcasts ?
- 你保存的还是有这些短片吗
- If you missed legaltec in new york last month , for example , you could catch up at virtual legaltech , a day of vendor webcasts and seminars being organised by alm for mid-march .
- 例如,如果你错过了上月在纽约举办的legaltec展会,你还可以参加virtuallegaltech,这是由alm在3月中旬举办的为期一天的销售商网播和研讨会。
- The company now uses a combination of worldwide satellite broadcasts and streaming video webcasts , sometimes with simultaneous translation of the audio stream into multiple languages .
- 该公司现在用全球卫星广播和流式媒体网络视频,有时利用流式音频即时翻译为多种语言。