For europe , the 43rd president was a sort of solution in the search for our own global vocation .
Darwin may have been independently wealthy , but in terms of his vocation , he was a self-made man .
Second , the new testament tells us to do absolutelyeverythingfor the glory of god ( 1 corinthians 10:31 ) and this includes one 's vocation and work .
In african countries such asghana , nigeriaandugandateaching is all too often a sinecure , not a vocation .
With a vocation for , and expertise in , international co-operation , she returned to madrid determined to enrol for a complementary masters degree .
She is a scientist by training , a politician by vocation and , most important of all , a cautious person by temperament .
Perhaps I did not exactly say but certainly implied that the writer serves a higher calling , what one refers to only in art and religion as a vocation , and cannot worry too much about the feelings of those whose lives she borrows from .
The desire to fly an airplane has been shown to represent one aspect of a sensation-seeking personality , a genetic trait associated with risky behavior involving driving , sex , sports and vocation , according to psychology studies .