

vitrectomy 变化形式
复数: vitrectomies
易混淆的单词: Vitrectomy
vitrectomy 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Pathogenesis and prevention strategies of indirect injured cataract formation after vitrectomy .
- 玻璃体切除术后非直接损伤导致白内障的形成机制和防治对策。
- Clinical application of self-designed posture nursing mats in patients undergoing vitrectomy .
- 自制体位护理垫在玻璃体切除术后病人的临床应用。
- Vitrectomy improves vision in select patients with diabetic macular edema .
- 挑选有黄斑水肿的糖尿病人进行玻璃体切除术改善视力。
- To evaluate the efficacy of vitrectomy alone for exogenous bacterial endophthalmitis .
- 单纯玻璃体切除术治疗细菌性眼内炎的疗效评价。
- Application of the vitrectomy for extraction of intraocular foreign bodies .
- 玻璃体切除在眼内异物摘出术中的应用。
- The surgical outcome of initial vitrectomy for complicated rhegmatogenous retinal detachment .
- 复杂之裂孔性视网膜剥离使用初始玻璃体切除术之结果探讨。
- Objective to explore the therapeutic effect of vitrectomy for posterior segment intraocular foreign bodies .
- 结论显微玻璃体手术是目前治疗后段眼内异物有效方法之一。
- Endoscopic vitrectomy utilized in the severely traumatized eyes without light perception .
- 眼内窥镜下玻璃体切除手术治疗严重外伤后无光感眼。
- Long-term results of a pars plana vitrectomy for complications of proliferative diabetic retinopathy .
- 增殖型糖尿病视网膜病变施行坦部玻璃体切除术后之长期追踪成果。
- Visual results and complications after trans pars plana vitrectomy and lesectomy for lens dislocation .
- 晶体脱位之玻璃体并晶体摘除术之术后视力及并发症之探讨。