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- Witness the violence of khmer rouge , viet cong , and ultimately the domination of capitalism today .
- 比如红色高棉、越共以及今日资本主义统治的暴力。
- His crew meets wakeful in addition to surfer-type lt-colonel kilgore , compartment of a us army helicopter cavalry assortment which takes out a viet cong outpost to give an exit direct into the nung river .
- 他的船员符合清醒除了冲浪型低温上校基尔戈,舱室的美军直升机骑兵拼盘考虑了越共前哨给予退出直接进入农河。
- The segments of south vietnam 's population that had resisted the viet cong 's efforts had done so because they were secure within effective local communities structured around religious or ethnic ties .
- 南越部分地区奋力抵抗越共的渗入是因为他们通过宗教或者家族的纽带构建成有效组织起来的牢靠的地方社区。
- Viet dinh , a former us assistant attorney general close to lachlan , is supervising the hacking scandal for the board .
- 与拉克兰熟悉的前美国助理总检察长维耶丁(vietdinh)正在为该集团董事会监督电话窃听丑闻一事。
- Mr. grabiner ultimately reports to news corp. independent director viet dinh , who was an assistant attorney general under president george w. bush .
- 格拉比内最终向新闻集团独立董事vietdinh汇报,后者曾在美国前总统小布什(georgew.bush)手下任助理总检察长。
- The envoys of viet nam and the literary .
- 越南使臣与中越文学交流。
- Viet dinh -- a georgetown law professor who advised perkins following his departure from hp -- is a seven-year veteran of the news corp board .
- 珀金斯从惠普公司离职后,丁恩曾为他提供过建议。
- Viet dinh , another director , holds a relatively small number of shares .
- 而董事会成员韦亚特•丁恩只持有较少数额的股票。
- Many countries in asia are now highly developed ; viet nam is modernizing .
- 亚洲的许多国家现在都已经高度发展了;越南正在现代化。
- Was selling classified information to the viet cong.
- 把机密情报出卖给越共分子。