The abundance of vertebrate species fell by a third between 1970 and 2006 .
The sheer number of cells involved in a vertebrate brain circuit , for example , is a major hurdle .
In a vertebrate 's arms , muscles do the moving and bones carry the weight .
By tracking how bones develop , and in what order , it 's possible to see how various genes control the overall development of vertebrate organisms .
It was the first vertebrate to have its dna barcode-a sequence of about 600 genetic " letters " - included in its official description .
Arguably the most closely studied of the five main senses , the society for neuroscience claims that more is known about vision than any other vertebrate sensory system .
Sten grillner 's group at the karolinska institute in stockholm has therefore spent many years studying lampreys , in order to gain insights about vertebrate nerves .
Because these cells are among the largest in the vertebrate brain , they were the first neurons to be identified .
Curiously , researchers have also seen melanin in the testes of a variety of species in all vertebrate groups .
And a july study , published online in plos pathogens , described dozens of examples of viral code in vertebrate genomes-much of which had likely been there for some 40 million years .