


upmarket 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- He became a fixture on the new york social scene and met many of his investors at upmarket parties .
- 他成了纽约社交场景中的固定人物并且在高档宴会中遇到了很多他的投资人。
- Target 's magic has always been about pushing its low-cost business model relentlessly upmarket .
- 塔吉特一直努力把它低成本的商业模式推向高端市场。
- A gun battle in an upmarket neighbourhood of damascus and two bomb attacks in as many days have rattled syrians .
- 连日来大马士革一个高档社区的枪战和两次炸弹袭击已经引发了叙利亚人的不安。
- He cited a recent deal to source ingredients for wahaha 's new upmarket infant formula , edison .
- 他提到近期的一笔交易作为例子为娃哈哈的新款高档婴儿配方奶粉爱迪生(edison)采购原料。
- He has also moved upmarket by increasing customisation for clients such as armani exchange .
- 他还转战高端市场,增加了为armaniexchange等客户定制产品的业务。
- Locals also expect the upmarket gallery to lift perceptions of the town and galvanise new retail outfits and other businesses .
- 当地还希望以这座高级画廊来提升该城的知名度,并且吸引来零售业和其他商业。
- Think of these reforms as intensive physical conditioning , with the prime minister exhorting from the sidelines like an upmarket personal trainer .
- 人们不妨把改革措施视为高强度身体锻炼,而把首相卡梅伦看成在场边勉励的高级私人教练。
- So far two legal firms have signed up : the upmarket mishcon de reya , and prolegal , a commercially minded new entrant .
- 到目前为止,只有两家法律公司签署了合同:高级的mishcondereya和一个商业上有思想的新参与者prolegal。
- France 's danone is suspending production at its shanghai plant to concentrate on more upmarket offerings .
- 法国的达能将暂停上海工厂的生产,把精力集中在更高端的产品上。
- The second big change is that indian firms are rapidly moving upmarket .
- 第二大变化是,印度企业正在快速进军高价市场。