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Riversdale 's reserves in the two concessions of benga and zambeze count among some of the world 's largest untapped reserves of coking and thermal coal .
Now , as myanmar moves to broaden its trade and diplomatic relations , more business travelers are filling yangon 's hotels to capacity , driving up prices and helping to generate a buzz among investors seeking fresh opportunities in a relatively untapped market .
Earlier this month , japan detained and later released 14 activists from hong kong who landed on the islands , called diaoyu in chinese and senkaku in japanese , which are near key sea lanes and surrounded by rich fishing grounds and as-yet untapped underground natural resources .
Compared to singapore which has an estimated 29 500 public bathrooms new york had fewer than a thousand park and subway bathrooms as of 2009 according to a brief history of the city 's facilities at untapped new york .
Many of the elements carpenter identified as being crucial to the success of ivillage ( partnerships with advertisers , strong branding , untapped female users ) later helped make facebook the world 's leading social-networking site .
But although the site promises that tonido will " release your computer 's untapped potential , " one of the greatest reasons for running apps on the web and storing files in the cloud is freeing a system 's resources in the first place .
From the off the beaten path boat shop to your local flea market or discount stores such as home goods and tj maxx lee enjoys the challenge of using what she regards as " untapped design resources because it 's cheap ...... and unique . "
Hamid karzai , afghanistan 's president , said the country is so well endowed with mineral wealth ( 30 % of its untapped resources are worth between $ 1 trillion-3 trillion , according to him ) and so well placed in the region that it can become " the asian roundabout " for trade .
Alibaba offered access to what was then the world 's biggest untapped market for e-commerce .
Egypt 's many assets include fast-growing ports on the mediterranean and red sea linked by the suez canal and its vast untapped natural-gas resources .