Bill clinton , the unusually unsmiling former american president who had probably come closer to fighting north korea than any president since the korean war , was in pyongyang to win the release of two female american journalists facing 12 years of hard labour .
As I looked into my mother 's sad eyes and unsmiling face , I decided to give her daddy 's and my gift .
Of course , once I take my seat in front of the unsmiling customer service representative , my natural feebleness reasserts itself and I politely explain my problem .
Last week , I had lunch in a fashionable new italian canteen in soho , and the marlon brando lookalike who made my tea was unsmiling until , at the last minute , he curled the corners of his lips a fraction .
Unsmiling security screeners in charlotte confiscated umbrellas from the sodden delegates by the hundreds .
A generation ago , wedding photographs were rather spartan and stiff : black and white images of the couple standing side by side , staring forward , often unsmiling .
The rat gave him lunch , and listened , unsmiling , while toad talked and talked and talked .