

v.(马)把(骑手)摔下来( unseat的现在分词 );夺去(议员等的)席位;革除(职位);使失去资格

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I have a deputy mayor to seek , what an amazing director . I do not engage in unseating him , he lost the squat chant called murong I do not unique .
We 'd be surprised if there wasn 't some young black hole out there right now devouring its surroundings and merging with smaller counterparts in hopes of one day unseating the champ .
A michael jackson page at facebook has topped 6.5 million fans , unseating mr obama 's " fan page " as the most popular at the california-based social networking service , according to mr zuckerberg .
If this initial cross-shareholding leads eventually to deeper integration , it could become the world 's biggest auto group , unseating toyota and so fulfilling vw 's aim .
Labor had hailed him as a reformist hero after he led the party to power in late 2007 , unseating the 11-year conservative coalition government under john howard .
Any good republican candidate would have had a chance of unseating voorhis in 1946 despite his popularity and his incumbency .
The first step to the restoration of a working democracy in america , to financial health , to honest elections , and to the reconstitution of an uncorrupted executive , civil service , legislature , judiciary and military is the unseating of this dark cabal .
That gives the democratic party of japan , the 10-year-old opposition party that has a realistic chance of unseating the grand old ldp , an opportunity to better manage the economy .
Ford 's share of the us light-vehicle market climbed to 16.7 per cent in september , from 14.7 per cent a year earlier , bringing it close to unseating general motors as the top - selling carmaker .
And earlier this year , even as the people of tunisia and egypt banished their dictators , hezbollah dealt a serious blow to the prospects for freedom in lebanon and stability in the region by unseating a pro-western prime minister , saad hariri , and replacing him with hezbollah puppet najib mikati .