

Darwinian 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- This darwinian process may have helped those managers who survived .
- 这种达尔文式的进程可能会帮助那些还幸存的经理人。
- We do not need a society based on darwinian competition between individuals .
- 我们不想要一个建立在人与人相互竞争的达尔文主义基础上的社会。
- For a darwinian , life is about two things : survival and reproduction .
- 对于一个达尔文主义者来说,生命事关两件事:生存和繁殖。
- The business of technology is darwinian .
- 科技行业遵循达尔文进化论。
- Darwinian evolution is warm and fuzzy compared to the nearly infinite competition on the internet .
- 达尔文进化论是温暖而模糊相比在互联网上几乎无限的竞争。
- Since 2009 , a website has allowed visitors to evolve their own preferred music using darwinian principles .
- 2009年起,一家网站遵循达尔文主义理论,让访问者能够进化出他们自己偏好的音乐。
- Sexual attraction provides the drive to reproduction sex is a means to an end not , in darwinian terms , an end in itself .
- 性吸引为繁衍后代提供了动力引用达尔文主义的说法,性是达到目的的方法,并不是目的本身。
- Darwinian theory also exerted a chilling effect on the german idealist vision of evolution .
- 达尔文理论在德国唯心主义对演化的看法上又浇了一盆冷水。
- Darwinian reductionism : or , how to stop worrying and love molecular biology .
- 达尔文化约论:如何停止忧心转而喜爱分子生物学。
- In the darwinian world of capitalism , during downturns plenty of weaker operators cease trading or choose to sell up .
- 资本主义弱肉强食的世界里,在经济低迷时期会有大量较为弱小的经营者停止营业或选择出售。