Millions of school leavers and graduates with ' fairly useless ' degrees are unemployable because they lack basic skills , a major business lobby group will warn today .
I got into marketing because I can 't not be in marketing-i 'm totally unemployable in every other capacity .
These people will probably be unemployable now .
Trade union activists are often considered unemployable in indite .
And india 's demographic dividend will not count for much if those new workers are unemployable .
" She said I 'd become unemployable ! "
In the employment arena , individuals considered unemployable within the private sector find training and jobs in nonprofit programs .
When he was a young man , the state considered him unemployable and suggested he collect disability payments .
In sonne 's native denmark , as elsewhere , autistics are typically considered unemployable .
A worry is that this cohort may become unemployable as their skills atrophy and they become increasingly detached from the informal networks that would lead them to new jobs .