

undies 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- So how many pairs of undies are nice to have ?
- 拥有多少对内衣才是好的呢?
- His wife , verity beman , 39 , said : " I think he 's a hero : a hero in bonds undies . "
- 他39岁的妻子维里蒂.米萌说:我想他是一个英雄一个bonds内衣英雄.
- He just follows his machine 's twitter account ( it 's pimpy3wash ) and he knows when to go downstairs and move his undies to the dryer .
- 他只是跟随机器的twitter账户(它是pimpy3wash),这样他就知道什么时候下楼把他的内衣裤移到烘干机里去。
- We 're starting this year by going back to basics and organizing and simplifying one place that you see every morning : your undies drawer .
- 我们通过回归基本开启今年,组织和简化一个你每天早上见到的地方:你的内衣抽屉。