

underwood 变化形式
易混淆的单词: Underwood
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- Carrie underwood and coldplay are in the theater tonight to give the contestants a master class in live performance .
- 今晚,在剧院的现场表演中,carrieunderwood和coldplay给选手们上了精彩的一课。
- Kay underwood , 20 , has cataplexy , which means that almost any sort of strong emotion triggers a dramatic weakening of her muscles .
- 20岁的kayunderwood最大的问题是晕厥,几乎任何强烈的情绪都会导致她的肌肉剧烈的收缩。
- Underwood was up against swift and other artists including kenny chesney , keith urban and brad paisley .
- 安德伍德此次一举击败斯威夫特,以及肯尼切斯尼、凯斯厄本和布拉德派斯利等实力派选手。
- Carrie underwood has made history after becoming the first female artist to win entertainer of the year at the academy of country music awards twice .
- 美国乡村音乐大奖日前揭晓,凯莉安德伍德再度获得年度最佳艺人大奖,成为历史上首位两次获得该奖项的女艺人。
- Small shrubby tree of eastern north america similar to the judas tree having usually pink flowers ; found in damp sheltered underwood .
- 北美东部小型灌木状树种,类似于满条红,粉红色花;生长于潮湿阴暗的丛林之中。
- Carrie underwood and brad paisley host the 44th annual country music awards in nashville , tenn. , 10 nov 2010 .
- 凯莉安德伍德和布拉德佩斯利举办第44届年度美国乡村音乐奖在纳什维尔,田纳西州,2010年11月10日。
- Sorry , I 'm sam underwood , personnel manager here . Why don 't you sit down ?
- 很抱歉。我是山姆?安德伍德,这里的人事经理,你何不坐下呢?
- At first he used his time at sea to develop his typing skills on a portable underwood , pounding out letters to his wife .
- 最初,戴尔利用在海上的时间练习打字,他用的是一台便携式的安德伍德牌打字机,一字一字敲出给妻子的信。
- This post contains information about " christmas special performance by singer carrie underwood " .
- 此帖子包含有关“圣诞歌手专场演出信息凯莉安德伍德”。
- Thank you , mr. underwood , for your interview with me . I hope to see you again .
- 谢谢你的面试,安德伍德先生,希望能再见到你。