

Madagascar 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The 2008 food price spike helped bring down governments in haiti and madagascar .
- 2008年的食品价格上涨撂倒了海地和马达加斯加的政府。
- This guinea fowl was imported from madagascar via the ottoman empire .
- 这种珍珠鸡是通过土耳其帝国,从马达加斯加岛进口的。
- A brown lemur , one of the many species found in madagascar .
- 一只褐色的狐猴,狐猴是发现于马达加斯加的诸多物种之一。
- Anson named a rival trader in indonesia and another in madagascar .
- 安森说了一个他在印尼的对手,和一个在马达加斯加的对手。
- The crisis of 2007-08 sparked widespread riots , bringing down governments in haiti and madagascar .
- 2007-08年危机曾引发大范围骚乱,导致了海地和马达加斯加政府的倒台。
- Other countries , such as madagascar , have imposed direct price controls .
- 至于其它国家,像马达加斯加,也进行了直接的价格控制。
- Here in the central highlands of madagascar that practice is taken much further .
- 在这儿,马达加斯加的中央高地,这类活动可要深入得多。
- Madagascar has more unique species of animals than any location except australia , which is 13 times larger .
- 马达加斯加具有其它地区所没有的独特物种,除了比它辽阔三倍的澳大利亚之外。
- Madagascar 's political crisis deepened after pro-opposition soldiers forced the resignation of the head of the army .
- 马达加斯加亲反对派士兵发动哗变,军队首领被迫下台,国内政治危机继续升级。
- North of madagascar , off africa 's east coast , are the 115 islands of the seychelles .
- 由115座岛屿组成的塞舌尔群岛位于马达加斯加以北远离非洲东海岸的地方。