

underachievement 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Strategies to reverse underachievement in gifted students --- the design and development of a long-term holistic program .
- 低成就资优学生辅导策略---长期全面辅导方案的规划与发展。
- Learning attitude , mandarin course ; reality therapy group guidance program ; underachievement .
- 现实治疗团体辅导方案;国语科;学习态度;学业低成就。
- Boys at every stage of education are showing " shocking " levels of underachievement , according to a report published today .
- 根据今天发布的一份报告,在学校教育的每个阶段里,男孩子都显示出“骇人的”成绩不良。
- Your own worst enemy : breaking the habit of adult underachievement .
- 你自己最大的敌人:打破成年人无法取得成功的坏习惯。
- After decades of slumbering underachievement , the bear is back .
- 在沉睡了十几年后,北极熊回来了。
- In school age children , depression can be underachievement and withdrawal from school and social activities .
- 对学龄儿童来说,抑郁表现为学习成绩差,畏缩学校和社会活动。
- Mr phillips 's suggestion that black boys should be taught separately implies that ethnicity and gender explain their underachievement .
- mrphillips建议黑人男孩应当单独接受教育意味着种族和性别决定了他们智商低。
- But if the spanish have become europe 's footballing superpower , which country has inherited its old mantle of underachievement ?
- 然而如果西班牙人已成为欧洲的足球超级大国,哪个国家接过其劣绩的旧斗篷?
- The race-relations industry also has an interest in explaining educational underachievement in terms of ethnicity .
- 种族关系部门也对以种族划分来解释教育中的成绩不好问题颇有兴趣。
- The effect of seating arrangement on academic achievement of social studies for underachievement students .
- 座位处理对低成就学童社会科学习成效之影响。