If sarkozy loses , the ump will be given a clear choice : unite or die .
Fran ois hollande 's victory on 6 may would leave france in the hands of a single party and the ump in a very difficult position .
If mr. sarkozy 's ump and other conservative movements were to win the june election , mr. hollande would be forced to pick a prime minister from their ranks .
But this theory is complicated by the fact that the ump is an uneasy mix of political traditions gaullist , centrist , liberal and a harder , more populist right wing .
In france , mr sarkozy warned members of his ruling ump party : " the risk of explosion is looming if the decisions taken with angela merkel are not put into effect . "
A poll released thursday showed that a majority among the conservative ump party think sarkozy would be the best presidential candidate for the 2017 elections - nearly double the percentages of those who backed the two men now wrestling for power .