have the jump on是什么意思,have the jump on的意思是

have the jump on基本解释

抢在…之前行动, 对…占优先地位

have the jump on的用法和例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

Women have outgrown the era when they would jump on a chair at the sight of a mouse .
Have a pillow fight jump on the bed go sled riding .
Corporate giants have been quick to jump on the graffiti bandwagon perceiving it as a shortcut to youth culture .
Men have the ability to focus solely on one thing where women 's minds will jump around even in serious situations .
The only solution is to change your destination which means you have to jump on a whole new set of tracks .
Wheat prices have seen the biggest one-month jump in more than three decades on the back of a severe drought in russia prompting warnings by the food industry of rising prices for flour-related products such as bread and biscu
Everyone wants to jump on the social media bandwagon these days but many organizations don 't have the technical know-how to do it .
The horses and riders have to successfully jump a total of 30 fences made more difficult by a six-foot-wide ditch on the take-off side .
He was the first to jump on shore ; and had he dared he would like lucius brutus have kissed his mother earth .
There 's a lot of work going on behind the scenes but you have to cross over the line and just jump right in and start doing it .