
ultimat 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Launched ultra-posh ultimat vodka line last year .
- 去年建成了奢侈消费品ultimat伏特加的生产线。
- A new survey from ultimat brand vodka , of all companies , says that 69 % of employees are now working so much that they 're losing touch with their families , and almost seven in 10 ( 67 % ) say they have missed a family or social event in the past year because they were working .
- Ultimat牌伏特加的最新调查显示,在所有接受调查的公司中,69%的员工目前工作过于繁忙,疏远了家人;另外,有约7/10(67%)的员工表示过去一年中曾有过由于工作原因缺席家庭或社交活动的经历。