Uri 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Jackson 's close friend uri geller said it may have been the stress of the london comeback that killed the singer .
- 杰克逊的好友乌里盖勒(urigeller)认为也许是伦敦的重出演唱会的压力杀死了他。
- Close friend uri geller told sky news he was hoping desperately that the reports were not true .
- 密友尤里.盖勒告诉天空新闻,他希望那令人伤心的报告是不正确的。
- Uri orlev 's experience as a jewish boy in war-torn poland is the background of this outstanding writer for children .
- 尤里奥莱夫是一个成长在饱受战火蹂躏的波兰的犹太男孩,而这段经历成为这位出众的儿童文学作家的创作背景。
- Dutch foreign minister uri rosenthal argued that the sanctions would apply real pressure .
- 荷兰外交部长urirosenthal称禁运会对叙利亚产生真正的压力。
- The only contrarian note from western governments was from uri rosenthal .
- 西方政府中唯一唱反调的是荷兰外长尤里罗森塔尔(urirosenthal)。
- Uri & influenza & acute bronchitis , pharyngitis .
- 上呼吸道感染、急性支气管炎、咽喉炎、流行性感冒。
- Uri found that the name of a person 's workplace more closely correlated with the first three letters of a person 's name .
- 乌里发现,一个人工作单位的名字和此人姓名的前三个字母关系最为密切。
- This load balancer has the capability to run in layer 7 mode where it can examine the uri a user is requesting and make routing decisions based on that information .
- 这个负载均衡器拥有可以在第7层模式运行的能力,这样他可以检查用户请求的uri并根据这个信息进行路由选择决定。
- The semantic web , in naming every concept simply by a uri , lets anyone express new concepts that they invent with minimal effort .
- 语义网,通过简单统一资源标示符来命名每个概念,让每个人来表达他们发明新的概念。
- Uri ariel , a knesset member , says if the police do not oust the families he will do so himself on july 4th .
- 以色列国会议员尤利埃雷尔说如果警察不对这些家庭进行驱逐,他将在7月4日亲自动手。