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n.台风( typhoon的名词复数 )

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Analysis of satellite data shows that in the last 25 years , strong cyclones , hurricanes and typhoons have become more frequent in most of the tropics .
Out of a fear of typhoons and tsunamis , and an element of man-against-nature hubris , it has sealed much of its coastline in a girdle of concrete .
First , the typhoons which regularly strike the place are simply too powerful .
Engineers had to account for how hangzhou bay 's extremely strong tides and powerful typhoons would affect the structure .
Then , the team analyzed strength changes of almost 600 other tropical cyclones from 1998 through 2007 , including hurricanes in the caribbean and western atlantic and typhoons in the western pacific and northern indian oceans .
Nor do typhoons or tropical storms normally hit so late in the year , a factor that mr. ramos said might have led to many people ignoring warnings about the approaching typhoon .
" Of course typhoons hurt the economy , and the damage they cause has generally been increasing , " says esteban . "
But most model projections suggest that global warming will eventually increase the incidence of the highest categories of hurricanes and typhoons . "
" For the last two decades or so , typhoons in the western pacific have actually been becoming less frequent , " says climatologist kerry emanuel of mit . "
Between 30.6 to 127.9 billion additional yen alone could be needed by 2085 to expand all ports in the country to cope with the increase in downtime due to typhoons , says esteban .