

turnkey 变化形式
复数: turnkeys

turnkey 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Secretary I can provide turnkey projects .
- 我司可提供交钥匙工程。
- The turnkey service makes you worry-free .
- 交钥匙的服务工程让你无后顾之忧。
- You are not so always ; the other day , for instance , when you tried to kill the turnkey .
- 但你并不总是这样的,譬如说,那一天,你就要想杀死狱卒。
- Still he dared not to enter , as they might have left some turnkey to watch the dead .
- 但他仍然不敢进去说不定他们会留下一个狱卒看守尸体。
- During this melancholy pause , the turnkey read his newspaper with a waggish look .
- 在这个忧郁的停歇期间,看守滑稽地阅读着报纸。
- How to design procurement projects offer turnkey construction .
- 如何进行设计采购施工交钥匙工程项目的报价。
- " Turnkey , " said he , removing his cap politely , " will you have the kindness to admit me , and give me a lodging for the night ? "
- “看守先生,”他说,一面恭恭敬敬地脱下他的便帽,“您可愿意开开牢门让我住一宵?”
- A turnkey plant , apartment , etc.
- 已建成即可使用的工厂、成套房间等。
- A study of critical chain project management ( ccpm ) on semiconductor turnkey services .
- 关键链专案管理在半导体一元化代工服务之研究。
- To become a leading memory turnkey service provider to tier one customers worldwide and to maximize shareholder value in the process .
- 成为具领导地位之记忆体后段一元化服务供应商,以提供世界一流客户最佳服务,同时为股东创造最大价值。