
treetops 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- And if you live in the treetops .
- 如果你居住在树顶上。
- It snagged one wing on treetops and broke up , scattering chunks of fuselage across the forest .
- 它的一侧机翼撞到树顶上而后解体,在森林里散落机身的碎块。
- Things look phantastic in this dimness of the dusk --- the spires whose bases are lost in the dark and treetops like blots of ink .
- 在这个黄昏的朦胧里,好些东西看来都仿佛是幻象一般尖塔的底层在黑暗里消失了,树顶像是墨水的模糊的斑点似的。
- With a little more work , he says , the machine will zip around the treetops at 80 mph , stabilized by computer .
- 只要再稍加努力,这个飞行器就可以靠电脑控制其稳定性,以每小时80英里的时速在树顶上盘旋。
- They leap over the treetops and chase each other 's flowing clothes .
- 她们飞跃于树端,追逐着彼此飘扬的衣袂。
- You can see every star in the sky through the treetops .
- 你能透过树稍看到天空上的每一颗星星。
- They leap over the treetops and chase each other 's flowing clothes . Golden leaves drift down like snowflakes .
- 她们飞跃于树端,追逐着彼此飘扬的衣袂,金黄的叶子随即如雪花般飘落。
- Instead of risking danger on the ground , they are known to make " long detours " through treetops .
- 它们通过树枝“绕路而行”,以避免在地面上可能遭受的危险。
- Where treetops glisten and children listen .
- 在哪里树梢闪闪发光和孩子在听。
- Seen from the air , much of puerto rico 's northern coast is a mosaic of rooftops and treetops dotted with countless baseball diamonds .
- 从空中俯瞰,波多黎各的北海岸就是一幅绘着红瓦绿树,镶嵌着无数棒球场的图画。