

cents 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Analysts expected 43 cents per share .
- 分析师的预期值为每股43美分。
- Gasoline prices increased 20 cents last month .
- 上个月,汽油价格上涨了百分之二十。
- Pay a debt higher than 25 cents with pennies in canada .
- 在加拿大,大于25分的债务,不可以用分币偿还。
- Shares ended the day 23 cents higher .
- 当日股票收盘价上涨了23美分。
- Most large retail banks in other countries would be happy with anything below 60 cents .
- 在其他国家,低于60分,大多数大规模零售银行就很高兴了。
- Allied irish banks plc dropped 2.2 percent to 45 euro cents , paring yesterday 's advance .
- 位于都柏林的爱尔兰联合银行股价下跌2.2%,至45欧分,回吐前一交易日涨幅。
- Murdoch described the app to fox business as costing 99 cents a week .
- 默多克向foxbusiness介绍这款应用时说每周费用为99美分。
- Historically , the cost of making brazilian ethanol has been about 26 cents a litre .
- 从历史上看,制造巴西产乙醇的成本约每升26每份。
- Early in the 150-day collection period , prices might start at 10 or 20 cents per signature .
- 在150天签名征集期限的开头,每个签名的价格也许从10分钱或者20分钱开始。
- But their math doesn 't add up , and their hostility isn 't really about dollars and cents .
- 然而,他们的计算却毫无意义,他们的恶意其实并不在乎钱多钱少。