I hope they 'll one day benefit a little from my translations .
During the past month two new translations of sigmund freud made their appearance on u. s. bookstalls .
I remember later in my room experimenting in making translations of such poems .
Many foreign publishers can read english , and so three-quarters of all translations of books each year are from english .
And yet , it comes as something of a surprise that this month there are four translations competing for the status of a definitive " iliad " .
He spent a whole morning going over some of my su dongpo translations I was working on at the time .
It upset many people , especially developers who created products around the free translations .
Expono has not forgotten our spanish-speaking friends and allows english-spanish translations .
It was only after we shot the film and received the translations of the conversations that we could then piece together the story .
Facebook not only encouraged users to translate parts of the site , but also let other users fine-tune those translations or pick among multiple translations .