

towner 变化形式
易混淆的单词: Towner
towner 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- International shipping finance towner 6th floor .
- 国际航运金融大厦6层。
- Towner improvisation and performance techniques for classical and acoustic guitar .
- 古典和民谣吉他即兴及演奏技巧。
- Her most recent paintings are on show at the towner gallery .
- 她的大多数近期画作在唐纳美术馆公开展出。
- Don 't under any circumstances , ever buy or read the s * n whether you are a scouser , out of towner , out of countryer or a day .
- 在任何情况下,不论你是利物浦当地人、利市外的人、国外来的人或是一日游的球迷,都不要购买太阳报。