As regimes totter across the middle east , those who offer cover against nasty political surprises look set to be even busier this year .
Unfortunately , the economy is likely to totter again as the second-round effects of tumbling profits and rising unemployment squeeze investment and consumer spending .
The government in pakistan could totter or be decapitated thus heightening fears of even more pronounced islamist influence and of growing tension with india .
And they will totter from sea to sea , and from the north even to the east ; they will rove about , seeking the word of jehovah , but they will not find it .
When he was able to totter about the house , he turned his hands to weaving baskets of split oak and mending the furniture ruined by the yankees .
But kingdoms will not totter .
How easily , he reminds readers , stable-looking societies can totter .
Only a few notable firms , such as ospraie management and andor capital , have closed down funds , even as lehman brothers falls and financial giants totter .