Congressional leaders hope within days to send him a stimulus package to sign , probably totalling more than $ 800 billion .
Since the beginning of 2011 these seven companies have announced investments in indonesia totalling $ 2.2 billion , a record .
Packed with people from business , it acts as a sort of national private-equity fund , with assets and credit guarantees totalling $ 9 billion .
He was convicted and sentenced to 15 years for taking bribes totalling $ 530000 in exchange for arranging loans .
In unveiling tax rises and spending cuts totalling 30 billion , mr moscovici has shown that france 's socialist government is serious about fiscal consolidation .
Ping an 's secret may be its ability to leverage local relationships and so gain sole bookrunner status in deals in asia 35 of them this year , according to dealogic , totalling us $ 4.6 billion in value .