

n.(缓慢而有规律的)钟声( toll的名词复数 );通行费;损耗;(战争、灾难等造成的)毁坏

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And when you add road tolls and gasoline costs to the ride , it is now costing commuters $ 360 a month just to get to work .
Hatoyama will have to reconcile his bold initiative with election pledges to eliminate road tolls and petrol surcharges .
Truckers are also protesting against an omission from the liberalisation package , which contained no plans to cut motorway tolls .
While other europeans are used to motorway tolls , britons have regarded the idea of charging them for using roads as analogous to charging them for breathing .
The private sector will invest money in projects and get it back in the shape of tolls , user fees , premium pricing or even tax breaks .
He hints at borrowing against revenues , perhaps from the tolls from the severn bridge , to do up the m4 motorway , which connects south wales to london .
When it comes to questions of consumer behaviour , such as distances travelled by car owners and how these are affected by petrol prices , tolls or other costs , the guesswork multiplies .
Currently , budget accounting in the us and europe generally fails to distinguish between these self-financing capital projects such as bridges , which earn revenue through future tolls and those financed by general revenues .
The shanghai government 's order , dated saturday , calls on container shipping centres to cancel or lower a range of fees , including those for unloading containers , road tolls , and higher charges for night-time loading .
But more effective use of parking controls , tolls and road pricing could also improve the efficiency of the transport network , while more available and reliable internet connections on public transport could " transform journeys into time well spent in a moving office , or for leisure travel " , davies said .