

tightness 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Upper respiratory tract infection can cause chest tightness it ?
- 上呼吸道感染能引起胸闷吗?
- Chest tightness and shortness of breath may progress to chronic bronchitis and emphysema . Cigarette smoking worsens many types .
- 胸闷和气短可进展成慢性支气管炎和肺气肿。吸烟可导致许多种类的病情恶化。
- One can quickly go astray attempting to gauge the tightness of monetary policy by looking at interest rates .
- 如果我们试图通过研究利率来估算货币政策的紧缩程度,那么很快就会迷失自己。
- Why is tightness so important ?
- 为什么密封性如此重要?
- The panel shows tightness of cables .
- 这个面板上指示着电缆的气密性。
- Check all fluid levels and seal tightness after the engine test run .
- 发动机试运行后,检查所有液位及密封紧密性。
- Current market tightness stems from years of disappointing production from the top copper miners .
- 当前市场之所以吃紧,原因是多年来各主要铜企的产量让人失望。
- I feel chest tightness too .
- 我也觉得胸口闷。
- Muscle tension headaches give a feeling of tightness around the head .
- 肌肉紧张性头痛给人感觉人都绷紧了。
- Ducts shall be checked for water tightness before concreting .
- 混凝土浇筑之前应对管道进行水密检查。