

tightly 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- I gave mr. kirby a long hug and then held his hands tightly in mine .
- 我给科比一个久久的拥抱,然后将他的手紧紧的握住。
- Pigs destined for slaughter are often seen crammed excruciatingly tightly in cages on the backs of lorries .
- 注定要被屠宰的猪往往被紧紧得堆在笼屋不堪的货车后仓。
- Yet surely having something wrapped right around your mind is different from having your mind wrapped tightly around something .
- 当然了有东西在你思想周围萦绕与你的思想紧紧围绕某些东西是不同的。
- But there are signs financial-sector reform is now getting back on track , with a move to liberalize tightly controlled interest rates .
- 但有迹象表明金融业改革正重回正轨,放开原先受到严密管制的利率就是一个例证。
- She has given me hope and I must hold tightly to it .
- 她给了我希望,我必须紧紧地抓住它。
- Michael insists he 's fine . They hold each other tightly .
- 迈可坚称他好得很,他们互相紧紧地抱着。
- Use the hand you write with and clench your fist tightly .
- 拿出你用来写字的那只手,并紧紧地握住拳头。
- She had already realized what was happening and was clutching her rosary tightly in her hand .
- 她已经知道要发生什么事,正把念珠紧紧地攥在手心里。
- Shale traps gas more tightly than other rock .
- 页岩比其他岩石将燃气困得更紧。
- His heart is tightly connected with common people .
- 他和广大老百姓的心贴得很近,很紧。