
v.抽痛( throb的过去式和过去分词 );(心脏、脉搏等)跳动
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- Her head throbbed something awful .
- 她的头悸动什么可怕的。
- Moaning , rachel forced herself into a sitting position as her head throbbed harder .
- 呻吟,雷切尔被迫作为她的头更难悸动坐在自己的位置。
- She throbbed at the dreadful sight .
- 她看到那可怕的情景直打嗦。
- The ship 's engines throbbed quietly .
- 船上的发动机有节奏地轻轻震动。
- His heart throbbed at the good news .
- 听到这好消息,他的心高兴得直跳。
- Her heart swelled and throbbed .
- 她非常紧张,心头怦怦乱跳。
- The blister throbbed and burned , pulsed and ached .
- 水疱在抽动、发烫,在怦怦跳动、不住作痛。
- For weeks my gums , teeth , jaw and sinuses throbbed .
- 好几周我的牙龈、牙齿、下巴、鼻窦阵痛不止。
- I saw the muscles clench and unclench in his jaw as the veins throbbed in his neck .
- 我看见他的肌肉紧握在他的脖子上跳动的血脉下巴和松开。
- Deep down there in the recesses of the soil , the great heart throbbed once more , thrilling with passion , vibrating with desire .
- 在土壤深处,那颗巨大的心脏又跳动起来,激荡着热情,震颤着欲望。