
n.倾向,趋势( tendency的名词复数 );(政党内的)极端派别
tendencies 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Persistently high unemployment fuels protectionist tendencies .
- 失业率持续高企会助长保护主义倾向。
- A powerful presidency of the sort that mr erdogan wants is likely to reinforce these tendencies .
- 埃尔多安总理想要的权力在握的总统是可能进一步加强这些趋势。
- The curious bit is that many of the tattooed have right-wing tendencies too .
- 好奇的一点是许多拥有纹身的人也有着右倾的趋势。
- Both tendencies are likely to increase under the new rules .
- 在新制度下,这两种趋势都可能上升。
- Can chimpanzee skirmishes tell people anything about their own violent tendencies ?
- 黑猩猩的小冲突能给人们提供任何关于人类自身的暴力倾向吗?
- The perception of success could reinforce america 's worst strategic tendencies .
- 对这种成功的认知可能强化美国最糟糕的战略倾向。
- Mr lerner points out that two foolish tendencies are particularly hard to resist when politicians are struggling with high unemployment .
- 勒纳先生指出,在政治家们努力解决高失业率时,有两种愚蠢的趋势特别难以拒绝。
- But I do have telepathic tendencies .
- 不过我的确也可以心灵感应。
- While this computer won 't win all rounds , over time it can exploit a person 's tendencies and patterns to gain an advantage over its opponent .
- 尽管电脑不会每一轮都赢,但经过多次出手后电脑渐渐摸索出对手的未来意向和思考模式,比对手更胜一筹。
- Combining the two theory tendencies may fascinate us to comprehensively understand the process and probe into the nature of second language acquisition .
- 两种理论取向的结合更全面地解释二语习得的过程和探究二语知识的本质。