Once isolated kentuckians can now consult with doctors in faraway cities or telecommute .
If you are a security guard , you probably cannot telecommute .
Whether your home office is designated space for running a business , the occasional telecommute , or simply a nook for paying bills and organizing your schedule , you deserve more than a metal desk and extra chair stuffed into a spare corner .
It lets employees work flexible hours and telecommute up to three days a week . It gives them health checks and advice on managing stress , and regularly has ceremonies to congratulate long-serving staff .
2 Some let only non-union workers telecommute . Others make decisions without negotiating with the union . Still others have union representatives attend planning programs for telecommuters .
But many people want to telecommute . They welcome it as recognition of good work and dependability . It saves time and cost of traveling to and from work .
Some jobs are better suited to telecommuting than others . For instance , if you are a security guard , you probably cannot telecommute .
Other perks to consider may include on-site childcare , dining , tuition assistance , or the opportunity to telecommute .
Many employers , especially in big cities , are starting to appreciate the value of allowing their employees to telecommute .
And how big a difference does the freedom to telecommute on a flexible schedule make in your ability to work long hours without experiencing work-family conflict ?