
v.是…的典型( exemplify的过去式和过去分词 );例示,举例证明
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- International marketing strategy for environmental industry : exemplified by asian rising countries .
- 环保产业国际行销之策略研究:以亚洲新兴国家为例。
- Buffet 's idea of innovation is exemplified by his switch from pepsi to coke when he bought a big stake of coca-cola and joined its board .
- 巴菲特的创新理念的一个例证就是他从百事转到可口可乐的事,他购买了可口可乐公司大量的股份并加入其董事会。
- I have been commissioned to write many a passionate condemnation of america 's moral decay as exemplified by abortion , gay marriage , or the teaching of evolution .
- 我接到过许许多多谴责美国道德沦丧的作业任务,所谓道德沦丧的例证有堕胎、同性恋婚姻或者是讲授进化论。
- Greed is a human motivation , but not a dominant one and the institutions that most exemplified the philosophy of greed were those that imploded in 2007-08 .
- 贪婪是人类前进的动力之一,但并不是主要的动力;而且,最能体现贪婪哲学的机构正是在2007-08年间倒闭的那批机构。
- At first sight , recent events have exemplified the great shift from west to east that is the biggest story of our time .
- 乍看之下,近来之事证明了从西方到东方的权力大转移是我们这个时代最重大事件。
- Humble heart and benevolent affection are exemplified morals .
- 谦卑心和仁慈爱心的道德风范。
- By building one of the planet 's most successful companies from his garage he exemplified the spirit of american ingenuity .
- 通过把一个在车库里建立的公司发展成这个星球上最成功的公司,他阐释了美国的开拓精神。
- But new , more sophisticated financial institutions are starting to fill that role , exemplified this year by trust companies .
- 不过更多全新的复杂金融机构现在开始填补了这一缺口,今年信托公司就是一个例子。
- International marketing strategy for environmental ndustry : exemplified by asian rising countries .
- 环保产业国际行销之策略研究--以亚洲新兴国家为例。
- So the theory of the consumption form permanent income function was exemplified .
- 从而验证了持久收入消费函数理论.