
v.使免除[豁免]( exempt的过去式和过去分词 )
exempted 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Fertilizer products exempted from value-added tax .
- 有机肥产品免征增值税。
- Salary and corporate tax rates are capped at 17 per cent and 16.5 per cent , respectively , while capital gains and inheritance are exempted entirely .
- 在香港,工资税和企业营业税的上限分别为17%和16.5%,而资本利得税和遗产税则完全免除。
- Upon arriving , schapiro promptly refused a request by chicago traders to be exempted from federal regulations .
- 在上任后,莎碧萝很干脆地拒绝了联邦政府内有人想豁免芝加哥交易商的要求。
- Congress gave the gao authority to audit the fed in the 1970s , but exempted its monetary-policy and lending decisions .
- 国会在1970年代给予政府责任办公室以审计联储的权利,但豁免了联储货币政策及贷款决定。
- 3 The share of profits that investors in development zone chinese-foreign joint ventures remit abroad shall be exempted from income tax .
- 三开发区中外合资经营企业的客商将从企业分得的利润汇出境外,免征所得税。
- Shanxi methanol vehicles could be exempted from road maintenance has become widely accepted .
- 山西甲醇的车辆,可免予道路维修已成为被广泛接受。
- Exempted him from the customs duties for these basic necessities .
- 使他免缴这些基本必需品的关税.
- His bad eyesight exempted him from military service .
- 他因视力不好而免服兵役。
- Wealthy landowners are therefore as a rule exempted .
- 有钱的地主一般都免税。
- Children under 16 are exempted from prescription charges .
- 16岁以下儿童免收处方费。