
exempting 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The vat 's appeal to liberals can be enhanced , with some loss of economic efficiency , by exempting items such as food and housing .
- 通过对食品和住房这类项目免除增值税,可以增强其对自由主义者的吸引力,不过会损失一部分经济效益。
- In response , the labour ministry plans to submit a bill early next year exempting employees with children aged under three from overtime and limiting them to six hour days .
- 对此,劳动部计划在明年出提交一项议案,对有三岁以下小孩的员工免除超时工作,限制其每天工作6小时。
- Mr hollande says he will reverse a measure mr sarkozy introduced to dilute its impact by exempting overtime pay from income tax and social charges .
- 萨科齐为降低由此产生的影响已把加班费从所得税和社会性税收范畴内免除,弗朗索瓦奥朗德说他将弃用此项举措。
- The circular of the ministry of finance and the state administration of taxation on exempting refundable personal insurance with a ter .
- 财政部、国家税务总局关于保险公司开办一年期以上返还性人身保险业务免征营业税的通知。
- Raising taxes would be the obvious answer , and hong kong may have to give up the luxury of exempting nearly half of the population from income tax .
- 提高税收也许会一个很明显的回应,同时香港会放弃豁免几乎占一半香港人的个人所得税的奢侈品消费。
- Reply of the state administration of taxation about exempting the enterprise income tax from the loan interests obtained by the import and export bank of korea .
- 国家税务总局关于韩国进出口银行取得贷款利息免征企业所得税的批复。
- Export tax rebate is a commonly used and widely accepted taxation measurement for rebating or exempting indirect tax in international trade .
- 出口货物退(免)税是国际贸易中通常采用的并为世界各国普遍接受的一种退还或免征间接税的税收措施。
- He also criticised the government for exempting itself from the law .
- 他还批评政府将自己排除在该法之外。
- And the anomaly of exempting those working beyond the state pension age from national insurance must end .
- 超过法定退休年龄工作的人免交国民保险费的这种不正常现象必须终止。
- " Green marking " becomes enters international market exempting from inspection the green channel .
- “绿色标识”成为进入国际市场免检的绿色通道。